OK, that looks scary as sh…tuff, right!? I mean, are you seriously asking me to stick my feet in a couple of straps hanging from the ceiling and just hold on for dear life? Are you insane? Well, maybe a little. But let me assure you, even though TRX might look a little intimidating, I promise you… you can do it! Because one of the coolest things about TRX Training is that, with a bit of guidance, patience, and sweat, anyone can do it and do it right.
With TRX exercises, how you angle your body and where it’s positioned completely changes the intensity of each exercise. And, what you see above, well that’s more advanced, but not to worry – you’ll get there. Most of the exercises you’ll be doing to start involve your hands resting comfortably on those handles. No dangling just yet.
So, now that you know that there is no reason you can’t rock out a full-body TRX sweat session… it’s time we band together and burn those calories. But have no fear, because we’re gonna fill you in on everything that makes TRX so effective, challenging, and fun! But first, an introduction…
What is TRX Training, Anyway?
TRX, or Total Resistance Exercise, was created by Randy Hetrick, a former Navy SEAL who was looking for an inexpensive and completely mobile gym he could take anywhere. With a Jiu-Jitsu belt, some parachute webbing, and more than a little oomph – the first TRX suspension bands were created! With some development, the exercise method grew and expanded into a total body blast that we happen to love! There’s just so much you can do with a little hanging, dangling, and pulling! So with that said, strap in and let’s go through the top benefits of TRX training!
It’s Perfect for All Fitness Levels
No matter if you’re a seasoned bodybuilding shred-aholic, or just a beginner to the fitness world, TRX has got something for you. Every move in TRX is adjustable with a simple lean, tuck, or bend. This also means that increasing your intensity is also just as easy!

It’s Low Impact
As we get older, we’ve all got to pay extra close attention to our hips, back, knees, and ankles – basically any joint that’s not so keen on self-healing. Once you damage these delicate areas, you’re in for a whole lot of pain, corrective surgeries, and mucho hassle. The great thing about TRX is because it’s all happening in a suspended position, you can work on your mobility and flexibility with little chance of high-impact injury!
It’s Totally Mobile
A lot of exercises require lugging big, heavy, or clunky equipment around. Not TRX! These wonder-straps can be taken anywhere. All you need to do is find a secure place to attach them, and voila – your gym is right there in front of ya!
It Burns a Lot of Calories
Another great thing about TRX is how effective it is at burning fat and calories. When compared against other instability equipment like a stability disc or fitness dome, TRX fared much better when it came to muscle activation. That translates to a deeper burn, a heavier shred, and some real gains!
It’s Total Body & Tones the Core
Last but not least is the amazing versatility of TRX. Whether you’re focusing on upper body or lower, legs or arms, glamour muscles or core – TRX has got an exercise (or 20) for you. Speaking of the core, because you’re required to use balance for every exercise, your abs get worked with every single TRX exercise you do! TRX Lunge, yep. TRX Chest Press, uh huh. TRX Ab Crunch, well obviously. We love it when a workout gives you the opportunity to work every inch, every muscle, every part of your body. We told you these wonder-straps were wonder-ful!
At Studio SWEAT onDemand, we’re all about pushing you past your obstacles to reach those sweet goals off in the distance. With our huge library of onDemand workouts (with tons and tons of instructor-led TRX Workouts, don’t worry!), our team of passionate trainers, plus a worldwide community of members behind you, there’s no end to what you can achieve! So don’t doddle and don’t wait – grab some TRX straps, sign up for a 7-Day Free Trial, and get ready for the workout of a lifetime!
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