As the summer slowly turns into fall (take your time, cold weather!), you’re probably gonna be using some of this time to get out there and enjoy those long, beautiful days the best way you know how — traveling! Or maybe you’re just one of those big kahuna muckety-mucks that has to travel non-stop for business? Either way, you’ll soon be waking up in a new, strange place, chowing down at some fancy schmancy restaurants, and exploring this great big world of ours.
But what about your workout routine? For many of us, globe-trotting and jet-setting can often lead to us falling off the wagon, breaking our healthy habits, and losing our way on the path towards fitness. And as much as we love traveling, the inevitable shame that comes with stepping on that scale and seeing the multiple pounds we’ve packed on while we’re away — sometimes it’s just not worth it.
Well, what if you didn’t have to give up your workout routine while traveling? What if you had no equipment, travel-friendly workouts at-the-ready, so you could break a sweat in your living room, your neighborhood park, a hotel room in Des Moines, an Ashram in Punjab, or maybe even the Great Wall of China? Have no fear, Studio SWEAT onDemand is here! And we’re bringing some of our favorite indoor-outdoor, morning-noon-night, home-and-abroad, perfect-for-every-season fitness classes that you can take anywhere!
A Little Flow, to Get Up & Go
Start off your day with this wonderfully welcoming 20-Min Wake Up & Flow Class. This morning yoga session is perfect for loosening those joints, gently getting your blood flowing, and stretching out your entire body, to get you ripped & ready for those fun adventures, or those marathon meetings, that may be coming up.
The Full-Day-Walking-Tour Workout
When you find yourself in a city built for foot-traffic, an urban wonderland that’s begging to be traversed, you’ll wanna warm up your lower half with this 10-Min Hip, Leg & Glutes Stretch Class. This nice and easy stretch will warm up your walkin’ bits in preparation for some serious exploring.

Barre Before the Bar
Thinking about a wild, raucous night of tapas, sangria, and patatas bravas? Don’t forget to burn it up with this full-body 30-Min Barre Burn Class. All you need is something stable to hold onto, like a chair or couch, and get ready to absolutely smoke your glutes, thighs, calves, back, arms, and core. Remember, you’ve gotta earn that fiesta with some fuego!
A Real Mother of a Workout
Are you gonna be cruisin’ around a pretty park on your travels? Why not get-it-going in the green with our Soccer Mom II – Killer Park Workout? These are some of the best outdoor toning exercises you can experience – all you need is a bench, and a whole lotta water… because mama, you gonna sweat!
The ‘Big Trouble in Little Tokyo’ Workout
Ok, let’s say you’re on a business trip in Japan, and staying in one of the hyper-cool, super small, futuristic apartment-pods that they’ve got over there. Guess what — we’ve got a workout for you, too! This HIIT Workout for Small Spaces is guaranteed to get your blood pumpin’ in even the smallest of spaces. And of course, all you need is your body, buddy — and maybe a little sushi as a post-workout recovery snack.
A Little Fun in the Sun
Going somewhere warm, and wanna show off the guns? We hear you, and we’re here for you! Check out our amazing Tank Top Toner 2 Class. This upper-body blast will have you lookin’ like a marble sculpture in no time – perfect for those classy museums you’re about to visit.
The Washboard Workout
Ok, so you wanna work your core while you explore? We’ve got just the thing — this 7-Min Animal Abs Class will have you howlin’ at the moon in exactly 420 seconds.
Bump Up That Beach Bum
So you’re ready to enjoy your tropical seaside vacation, throw on some linen, and drink something with a frilly umbrella sticking out of it, right? Not before your workout you don’t! Put on this 30-Min Beach Body Sculpt Class, and get ready for one of the best bodyweight workouts you can experience. And the best part — when you’re all done and sweaty, you get to jump into the ocean!
We hope you’ve enjoyed some of our favorite no-equipment workouts. But before you bon voyage, be sure to sign up for our 7-Day Free Trial, where you can check tons more streaming fitness classes like those, that can be done from the comfort of wherever the world takes you! Sign up, strap in, and get ready for fun (& fitness) on your next adventure!
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