Odds are pretty solid at this point that you’ve heard of the “75 Hard Challenge”. This health and fitness craze has been making the rounds across all social media platforms and getting buzz from more fitness influencers than we can count. Specifically, over a billion hashtags so far… yeah, that big.
And for good reason — this spankin’ new trend has got a slew of supporters, and more than a couple detractors. People who love it proclaim its benefits from the rooftops, and those who don’t, well they poo-poo it for being too extreme. As for us, we’re still on the fence, because it all depends on you, your needs, your abilities, and your all-around level of interest.
If we had to clarify, we’d probably say that if you’re the kind of person who works well under stress, creates diamonds out of pressure, and gets tough when the tough gets going — we say, go ahead and give this bad-boy a whirl. But if you’re more the chill type that responds to empathy, moderation, and gradual change, maybe sit this one out.
So, let’s get into everything you need to know about this challenge, plus why it matches up perfectly with what we do here at Studio SWEAT onDemand. Let’s do this!
What is the 75 Hard Challenge?
Firstly, let’s settle on a definition. The 75 Hard Challenge was created by entrepreneur and all-around tough guy Andy Frisella, as a technique to build healthy habits and strengthen mental toughness. Although it’s got some rules, the challenge leaves a lot of room for interpretation and flexibility, to a wide array of lifestyles and personal preferences. This challenge isn’t just for losing weight, gaining muscle, or other fitness goals, but seeks to impact our habits and daily routines, into healthier approaches for the long run.
The 75 Hard Challenge Rules
Now let’s get into the nitty-gritty details of the 75 Hard Challenge. Firstly, the challenge lasts for precisely 75 days — no more, no less. That is, of course, unless you fall off the wagon. Then you’ve got to start from the beginning again (we told you it was tough!). Ok now let’s talk about the rules of the road.
Rule #1: Follow a Diet
The creator of the 75 Hard Challenge isn’t a dietician or nutritionist and never claimed to be, so the first step leaves a bit of breathing room — which is a really good thing. The purpose of the first 75 Hard Challenge rule is to get you to commit to a healthy eating routine that works for you. There’s no sense in learning a whole new habit, or jumping on some quick-fix fad diet. The bottom line is that you already know what healthy eating looks like, and what it doesn’t. So pick a healthy diet, and stick with it, with no cheat meals or booze of any kind.

Rule #2: Drink a Lot of Water Every Day
Water is the true elixir of life, and the 75 Hard Challenge takes that to heart. Drinking copious amounts of water is a classic hack towards getting healthier, not to mention aiding in weight loss, amongst other benefits. Now, you don’t want to overload yourself, so we actually recommend you consider making this goal to drink at least half of your body weight in ounces. So, for example, if you weigh 140 lbs, shoot for about 70 oz. That’s completely reasonable at 4 and a half 16-oz. water bottles. I think the key with this (as well as all the aspects of this challenge) is to just know what’s actually really good for YOUR body and understanding how amazing it is to keep it consistently hydrated with the world’s best commodity, H2O.
Rule #3: Read 10 Pages of Nonfiction Daily
This one’s a bit more esoteric. Reading is a great way to open your mind, settle your stress levels, and wind down at the end of a long day. It’s also a meditative practice that will build mental toughness and discipline. So grab that book, maybe a cup of tea, and get to reading.
Rule #4: Two 45-Min Workouts Each Day, One Outside
Ok, now we’re getting into it. The 75 Hard Challenge asks (nay, tells) you to get TWO workouts in during your day — and one of those has got to be outside. That can be a tall order for even the most devout gym goer, but herein lies the challenge. And before you go thinking you’re gonna have to drive to your local gym for one workout, and your nearest beach/park/hiking trail for the other, especially with those gas prices the way they are… just hold on!
Because we’ve got the perfect solution: at-home virtual fitness classes with Studio SWEAT onDemand! We offer an exhaustive and ever-growing library of onDemand fitness classes such as Indoor Cycling, TRX, HIIT, Yoga, Pilates, Kickboxing, Barre, Bootcamp, and tons more! So, you can crank the cardio with a morning Spin, and then shoot for a restorative Yoga on your patio after dinner.
We even offer the feature to easily search and sort your classes by intensity, trainer, equipment needed, and most importantly — duration! So, Browse our library and take a look at everything you’ve got in store for you. We also didn’t mention the best part — you can try us out for FREE. Our 7-Day Free Trial gives you the keys to the kingdom, no credit card or commitment required. Just sign up and start sweating today!
Rule #5: Take a Progress Pic Every Single Day
Closing out the 75 Hard Challenge is the final rule — taking a progress picture of yourself daily. This is key to actually witnessing the results of all your hard labor. Find one place in your house, preferably with good light, and get into the same pose every single day. The amount of clothes you wear is up to you, but pick something (or nothing) that will reveal your ongoing progress. This is a great way to get the motivation you need to push you on during the tough moments.
Well that’s it! We hope all this info wets your whistle to try the 75 Hard Challenge for yourself. Good luck!
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