With the help of Studio SWEAT OnDemand, what had become my overpriced laundry rack was swiftly morphed back into a stationary spin bike and it has changed my life; enabling others to implement positive health and fitness changes regardless of your ability level; online community of like-minded people.
It sat in the living room collecting dust and resembled an overpriced garment rack. Yes, that was my spin bike. It was bought online, delivered, assembled and then it sat. The hope and anticipation that this purchase was going to ‘get me fit’ faded quickly. For three years my bike collected dust because I did not know what to do with it or how to use it properly. What a waste.
Surfing for spin DVD's online one day I found a link to this Studio Sweat place. What is that?!
Studio Sweat on Demand was a game changer. That is what it was!
Hmm, there is a teaching video that showed me how to properly set up my bike for my body. OK, cool – this feels better already!
I signed up for a no-risk one week trial and have not looked back. Now I had access to new teaching video content each week with a variety of class lengths and fitness leaders helping me explore various exercises in the comfort of my own home. The videos are high quality, engaging and completely NOT intimidating.
Studio Sweat on Demand has a meaningful online presence through the weekly video blog, various social medias and regular group challenges. I took the plunge and sent a question into the e-mail cyberspace abyss not really expecting to be answered. Only, this was NOT the abyss – these are real people who I see in the online workouts responding to my personal question.
Studio Sweat on Demand is an online community of like-minded people with the goal of enabling others to implement positive health and fitness changes regardless of your ability level.
My overpriced laundry rack, with the help of Studio Sweat On Demand, was swiftly morphed back into a spin bike and it has changed my life.
Periodic 30 Clean Sweat Challenges and the addition of the Back Stage Pass have equipped me with the tools and motivation I need to make healthy food choices and intentional fitness a lifestyle.
No diets, no boot camp. Just real people helping real people improve their health one goal at a time.
Ride your bike, not the couch!