I am from Fortworth, TX. I have been a member since November 30, 2014. At that time, I weighed about 240. I have been a Spin enthusiast since February 2010. Spinning at least 2-4 days a week at the YMCA.
I wanted to cut my time down on working out so I looked into spin bikes and then looked into working out online. I tried several different ones that were free and even tried sweat on demand for a week. I was hooked with SSOD from day one.
The best part is I feel like I have a coach in nutrition as well as a workout coach. January 1st, 2015 this was the year I was going to get to 205. Starting weight 234 I was going to be fit at 50. October 29th, 2015 I weighed 205 when my wife and I got married thirty years ago and that is my goal. So January rolls around I take my measurements and weight and start spinning really hard. Attached is my log book. I can’t remember when SSOD sent me an email about eating clean, but that is when I decided to change my diet. I have been trying so hard to prove all the articles on “if you want to lose weight change your diet.” “Just working out won’t get you where you want to be physically” WRONG I said I can do this. So I read your articles and so I said I am going to change my diet. Especially after I went for physical March 11th and I hadn’t lost any weight.
January 1st to March 11th still 234. Cholesterol 209 March 16th, 2015 I start my SSoD Clean eating clean program. I bought a weight guru scale that measures weight, body fat, muscle mass, water and BMI. Received scale March 21, 2015. March 18th weighed 232.6. March 21st first day with scale 226.6, body fat 27.2 Muscle mass 32.1. April 20th, 2015 Weight 213.6 Body fat 24.5, Muscle Mass 33.6. After giving blood my cholesterol was 146. The lowest I can remember it ever being. Wow what a change in a month. And if you notice I haven’t workout as much as before but have lost the weight by eating clean.
Thanks SSoD my wife loves the new me.