The much-revered deadlift is, hands down, one of the best exercises you can do to strengthen and lean out your body, but… it’s also one of the easiest to do wrong. This total-body move not only works your core, but
The much-revered deadlift is, hands down, one of the best exercises you can do to strengthen and lean out your body, but… it’s also one of the easiest to do wrong. This total-body move not only works your core, but
Check out our first ever SSoD Trainer Talk! These Trainer Talks are live-streamed to our Facebook Page, and we make it available here on our website if you missed it. However, the benefit of joining us live is that you
Welcome 2019! Aren’t we so lucky to be here? This year let’s vow to be more educated, thoughtful, and intentional about our nutrition decisions. Let’s not jump on every bandwagon that rides on by. Let it pass and watch how your body (and sanity) thanks
Of the 40% of people who take part in some sort of New Year goal planning, how many actually keep them? Some studies suggest a number as low as 8%–which we admit, seems a bit low. But that’s no excuse
Studio SWEAT onDemand Monica shares her Story. In this inspiring vlog about a Spin instructor that has MS (multiple sclerosis), you’re going to hear Monica share her journey from the moment she felt something was wrong to today, many years
Check out this guide, shared from California Mobility! Click HERE to read the full article. Here at Studio SWEAT onDemand, we also offer workouts for active older adults, as well as lower intensity classes including these: Click HERE for all
Which do you use for what & when? Ice or heat? I get asked all the time, and I’m glad because often people don’t know and they reverse it. I understand the confusion and we’re not all schooled in the
Listen. I hope you’re working out. REGULARLY. And don’t be that New Year’s Resolution guy (or girl) saving up your healthy eating and exercise regimen for January 1st. Take care of yourself NOW. Also, if you go longer than 2
Ah, the Mighty Kettlebell – elegantly simple, endlessly versatile, and the shining centerpiece of the no-frills-pure-fitness movement. The reason for the kettlebell’s meteoric rise in popularity is clear: it’s a simple tool that works on every major muscle group in
How to Stay Motivated to Exercise in Winter We all know how tough it can be to stay motivated to exercise during the winter, but we also know the desire to stay healthy and happy doesn’t go away during the
The 5 Best Inner Thigh Exercises Ever Are you looking to tighten up those inner thighs? At Studio SWEAT onDemand, we know exactly how frustrating it can be to target specific muscle groups like the inner thighs, but don’t worry,
Are you doing a TRX Squat right? Today we’re talking about the TRX Squat because I see people do it wrong all…the…time. And it stinks because it’s such a great exercise to do to perfect your squat because done right, using
How frightened are you of cold and flu season?! I know I am! So listen… it’s normal to be a tad kooky about avoiding illness. Whether it’s obsessively squirting antibacterial gel on your hands or overdosing on Emergen-C, it’s important
Cat says the Rotational Bicep Curl! Let’s find out why! There are lots of variations of bicep curls, from the hammer curl, to the cross body curl, to the jab curl, etc., but today we’re talking about the best bicep curl in my humble
Believe it or not, chair exercises are one of the next big workouts. Usually, we talk about getting OFF the couch as a way of getting active, but did you know that chairs are a great alternative workout tool? The
Let’s face it—we’d all like a healthier lifestyle. We want to be motivated, feel good, but more importantly, we want long-term results, both at home and at the gym. The problem is… making consistent, positive lifestyle choices can be difficult
Here’s the simple science behind it. Not a single person goes into a workout and claims that the first ten minutes is their absolute favorite. Getting off the couch, changing into gym gear, and hauling yourself to the gym is
There’s no better time than Fall for an outdoor workout. Think about it: the brisk air, the gorgeous autumn leaves, the kids back in school—everything’s perfect for you to take your fat-torching routine to the great outdoors. And while you’ll
We know you’re no slouch—but if you’re like most of us, you could use some exercises to improve your posture. And this isn’t just silly life-coach advice: good posture properly aligns your spine and lessens the strain on your muscles
This month I would like to lend a hand with your holiday eating relationship (basically how to eat intuitively). This is a time to form a prevention plan and set solid intentions. Shall we? Let’s go! Ultimately, the overall objective would be to