When it comes to Studio SWEAT Trainer Olga, we all know her as the Russian firecracker who keeps workouts relatively simple, while brutally effective! Every class is overflowing with energy, sweat, and often a Madonna classic, but who is “Olganator”
Latest Company News and Press Releases

Why do my Knees Hurt From Spinning? Exercises to reduce knee pain from cycling.
With all the benefits that come with cycling, knee pain seems to be one downside for some riders. The good news is that there are definitely ways to minimize this problem so you can continue riding until you’re 100! Studio
Top 15 Reasons to Spin® it Out!
SSoD founder, Cat Kom, is constantly asked, “Are Spinning® classes hard?” Her reply, “Yes, well sure they are, but the good news is that anyone can take them, and the paybacks are totally worth it.” She is spot on Plus,

Soreness in the Saddle. Why is my butt so sore from a Spinning Class? Cycling Seat Pain.
After my first Spinning® class, my butt and my girl parts hurt! Like, “What the heck” hurt, ya know. But, let me get right to the good news… it’s temporary, and before you know it, the saddle soreness will be
Stay healthy during the holidays with great food choices and eating habits!
Planning on staying healthy during Christmas and the holiday season? Learn how to develop healthy eating habits and make the best food choices! Every year around the holidays I like to focus on your relationship with food just a little
How Well Do You Know Cat Kom?
Everyone knows that Cat Kom is simply one of the best motivators around, especially when it comes to burning it up during a workout! By starting Studio SWEAT & Studio SWEAT onDemand, Cat has not only inspired people in San
Stand-Up Desks: The Why & How

If you’ve taken SSoD classes before, you’ve probably seen the guy behind the camera in the mirrors at some point. That’s me. You also might have noticed that I do a lot of standing when filming these online Spin® classes.

Fixing the Biggest Mistake People Make with TRX Ab Exercises
“So, let me get this straight Cat, you’re suggesting I strap my feet into a device suspended in mid-air, and then assume a push-up position, is that right?”, says the person with a glaring look of hesitation on their face

Top 10 Reasons Men Should Do Spinning Workouts!
When it comes to Spinning, many guys view it as a feminine workout and “something your wife or girlfriend does on a Sunday morning.” But why? Is it not manly enough? Is it too easy? Ha! Ummm, no… it’s legit

Strength Training or Cardio, which is best to do first!? Cat Kom will tell ya!
Ah… the age-old question: cardio or strength training, which one should you tackle first if doing them both in the same day? Although there is no “right” answer due to various studies supporting both sides, Cat Kom is here to
Pile on the Pumpkin! – November 2017 Focus on Food
This month I’m highlighting the food and decoration: Pumpkin! Being a dietitian, I need to be on board with eating seasonally blah blah blah, but why? Well because the things that grow in season push us to eat more

Best Exercises for Skiers and Snowboarders to Dominate the Slopes This Year!
Keepin’ it strong on the slopes. Calling all skiers and snowboarders. You asked, we’re answering! Check out this week’s Trainer Tip video for the best exercises you can do in preparation for the slopes this season. Upper body, lower body, and core,
Listen up, Komrades! 🙂 Thanks to YOU we’re extremely close to hitting 5,000 All Access Pass Holders (AAPs), and we want your help to get there! Refer a friend to SSoD to help us get closer to 5K and

Best Strength Training Exercises for Spinning? Becoming a Stronger Cyclist.
We get asked all… the… time what you can do to make yourself a stronger Spinner, so we decided we’d answer you! In this week’s vlog, Cat Kom and AJ from Studio SWEAT onDemand walk you through a few simple,

Improving Your Core Strength with TRX Exercises!
Cat Kom, founder of Studio SWEAT onDemand, gives tips and advice on core strengthening exercises using TRX straps! She also covers how to improve your ability to do several challenging, but core carving, TRX exercises. For example, the TRX pike
Boo-ze! ;) – October 2017 Focus on Food
Let’s address alcohol! It’s a risky topic to address and explore, but nevertheless, it’s necessary. May I first say that for those who don’t drink alcohol, I am by no means encouraging you to start drinking. This is

Core Exercises for women, with Cat Kom!
Studio SWEAT onDemand founder, Cat Kom, takes us through some of the best core strengthening exercises for women looking to get their toned abs and strong cores back postpartum – even if your youngest is now 13. It’s never too
Meet Brian, one of our amazing Studio SWEAT trainers!
Studio SWEAT onDemand’s trainer Brian has always been involved in the world of sports. As a master motivator who can make anyone sweat, Brian always make you sore and craving for more! If you’re looking for a fat torching workout,
Studio SWEAT onDemand + Ground Zero Nutrition

We’ve searched far and wide for a nutrition partner like this one! We are thrilled to announce our partnership with Ground Zero Nutrition! Why Ground Zero? Plain and simple, we have the same beliefs. We believe in healthy eating for
My Story – Getting Back In Shape After Major Spine Surgery
by Studio SWEAT onDemander Ty Holland
by Studio SWEAT onDemander Ty Holland
As a teen in the 1970’s, cycling from Capistrano Beach to Torrey Pines (104 miles round trip) was considered a very good morning ride. On some rides, the future Race Across America (RAAM) record holder would help set the