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How can I enjoy my vacation without gaining weight! Cruise without packing on pounds!
Cat Kom and Bethany talk about nutrition and keeping active when on vacation.

Tracking My Heart Rate Zones with Heart Rate Abnormalities (Tachycardia, Bradycardia, etc.)
Cat Kom and our reputable cameraman, Eric, talk about how to track heart rate zones during exercise if you have heart rate abnormalities like Tachycardia, Bradycardia, or if you take Beta Blockers. We Love to watch heart rate zones during

Does it matter what gear I am in on my Spin® Bike? Understanding Spin® Bike Gearing
When it comes to using indoor cycling gears, it’s easy for a rider, especially a beginner, to get puzzled on what gear should be used during a spin session. Luckily, instructors Cat Kom and Mere W from Studio SWEAT onDemand
What’s Up With Gluten-Free Diets – August 2015 Focus on Food
Hello lovies, You or your friends might have said “I can’t eat gluten, it makes me gain weight” or “I’m not as bloated if I don’t have gluten.” If you’ve been wondering whether non-celiac gluten sensitivity is real, you’re not alone. It’s EVERYWHERE and

Best ways to get into TRX® Straps with Cat Kom & Bethany. How to Plank with TRX®.
Cat Kom and Bethany provide helpful tips for getting into the “face-down” position on the TRX®.
Cat Kom’s 30-Minute Workout
Cat, I have 30 minutes and I don’t even have time to pull up an SSoD SpeedSculpt or SpeedSpin. What do I do!?! I’ll tell you cuz I wrote this in 6 minutes then knocked it out in 30 and

When Should I drink a Protein Shake? Should I drink Protein Shakes? How many is OK?
Cat Kom and R.D. Miriam talk about if and when you should take protein powders and supplements.
Coconut Water – Myth or Fact? – July 2015 Focus on Food
Hey all! If you’ve read about coconut this and coconut that and don’t know what to believe, trust me. I’m not here to sell you on anything except better health. I first talk about coconut water and then I follow

Is it safe to workout in cold weather? Can I exercise when it’s cold outside?
Cat Kom and Bethany talk about working out when it’s cold.

What’s the best protein powder? What should you look for in protein powders?
Bethany and R.D. Miriam talk about protein powders and how to pick the best ones!

The Relaxed Rider – In 2 Minutes Learn NATURAL BODY MOVEMENT on your Spin® Bike.
Cat Kom and Mike talk about body movement when indoor cycling.

How can I increase my speed in a Spin® class? How to get faster when indoor cycling. Leggo!
Ways to increase cadence speed in a Spin® class.
Food additives you probably ate today & how safe they really are – June 2015 Focus on Food
Hey guys MJ here. I know good and well how ridiculous all the information is out there on the safety of food additives. We hear it all… An insanely genius resource is from the Center for Science in the Public Interest. It’s

WHAT IS a TRX® workout? What is in a TRX® Class? How do you do TRX® Training?
Cat Kom and Brooke give you an intro to TRX®.

Is it safe to do Push ups on a Spin Bike? Controversial Spin moves talk with Cat Kom & Trainers
Cat Kom and Trainers talk about controversial Spinning moves during an indoor cycling class.

Should I take time off from working out? If so, how often? Deloading. Will rest periods help me?
Cat Kom and Bethany talk about rest days and deloading.
All About Dairy – May 2015 Focus on Food
Just like there’s been buzz lately about “Gluten Free,” there’s been a lot of talk about “Dairy Free,” too! This has been a frequent topic with clients, especially those hitting roadblocks with weight loss. So to help you out, I put

Women’s Cycles. Should I change my diet when I’m on my period? OK to exercise when on my period?
Cat Kom and Miriam talk about diet and exercise during women’s cycles.

MOTIVATING KIDS to be Physically Active. Let’s talk about how. Tots to Teens. Here’s our advice.
Cat Kom and Bethany talk about physical activity for children and youth.