Hey my Super SWEATY family! MJ here. Whether it be meat, grilling techniques, or muscle building properties, most people understand that proteins are considered the “building blocks” of our body’s tissue. Many people are interested in protein because our bodies need it to rebuild
Latest Company News and Press Releases

What to look for in a Personal Trainer / How to tell if a personal trainer is legit?
Cat Kom and Bethany talk about how to find a good personal trainer.
On-The-Road Workouts
No equipment needed, just that body! Total Body: Spin®Sculpt or RunSculpt December 19, 2013 SpeedSculpt/RunSculpt Class August 19, 2012 Small Group Training July 27, 2014 Small Group Training May 30, 2013 (just need a resistance band for this one) SpeedSculpt

What’s More Important When Spinning® / Indoor Cycling – Speed or Resistance Level?
Cat Kom and Bethany talk about RPM and resistance for Spinning®/Indoor Cycling.

RPM Zones and Guidelines for Indoor Cycling
Cat Kom and Bethany talk about RPM zones and guidelines for indoor cycling!
What did I do that made my legs and glutes so sore Sunday?
I’ll tell you! – Cat Kom

Best Alcohol Drink Choices
Tips on how to enjoy a cocktail without tipping the scale! Plus a list of adult beverage calorie counts.

Should I take Supplements and/or Vitamins? Which ones? Listen to our Expert, MJ!
Cat Kom, Bethany, and Studio SWEAT R.D. Miriam talk about supplements and vitamins.

Toning vs Bulking Myths: Building Lean Muscles for Females
Cat Kom and Bethany bust some myths about toning and bulking up!

Cat Kom’s Daily Diet & Weekly Workout Schedule
No, it’s not “good genes”. It’s hard work and a balanced lifestyle. She has 3 kids & full time job. You can do it too!

Quick, Easy & Proper Bike Setup for Indoor Cycling / Spinning
This is a must know. If you’re set up right, it’s an amazing workout. If you’re not, you can actually hurt yourself!
Handling Holiday Temptations – November 2014 Focus on Food
What up people!? Are you keeping up on your workouts as we REALLY start into the Holidays? Below MJ is gonna talk to you more about handling temptations based on her experience and educated opinion, but I’m gonna tell you

How Many Days a Week Should You Work Out?
Cat Kom and Bethany talk about how many days you should workout per week to meet your individual fitness and health goals.

How Many Studio SWEAT Classes Should I Take per Week, and Which Ones?
Also discussed in PROTEIN. How much do YOU need?

Is it Important to Buy Special Shoes for Spinning® / Indoor Cycling? If so, what should I look for?
Trainers Cat Kom and Bethany talk about the differences between clipping in and using the toe cage when it comes to Spinning®, and which one makes for a better ride. Plus which shoes are best? We’ll tell you our opinion!

I love Spinning® because…
SSoD’ers from around the world tell us why they love Spinning®!

Knee-friendly Lower Body Exercises – Exercises for People with Bad Knees
Have knee issues but still want to strengthen your lower body? Check out these knee-friendly exercises you can do!
Cat Kom’s Healthy AND Happy Holiday Survival Guide
Quick Read with 10 Easy Must Do Tips

Hilarious Demo of Exercises to AVOID if you Have BAD Knees with Trainer Cat Kom & Sidekick Bethany.
What NOT to do if you have bad knees!

Can I Lose a Lot of Weight without Surgery?
Yes, it can happen to you! Learn More about Cat’s Sister’s 11 month Journey.