What up party people?! We all know what you did last night, and how horrible you feel today. Water and essential nutrients have been flushed out of your body, leaving you dehydrated and with a headache. Your liver is in
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Best Exercises for Shoulder Injuries and Injury Prevention! Cat Kom gives you solid advice!
*Click Here to see The Shoulder Exercises Crusty Old Paper Cat was Holding. It has images and descriptions for each exercise.* Did you know that shoulder injuries are among the hardest to recover from AND the most common injuries in

Behind the Scenes at Studio SWEAT & Studio SWEAT onDemand – Studio SWEAT San Diego Tour.
Studio SWEAT tour with Cat Kom and Brian!
How About a New Year’s Routine Instead of a Resolution – January 2016 Focus on Food
Hey hey 2016! How you livin?! With each new year comes the classic resolutions that are about weight loss, working out and eating right. Am I right?? Did you know only eight percent of us successfully follow through with
Featured in MEN’S JOURNAL

SWEAT Talk – If I’m not sweating am I burning less calories? If I sweat more do I burn more?
Cat Kom and Bethany talk about sweating and burning calories.

Proven ways to keep your New Year’s Resolutions. Let’s Talk it Out!
Cat Kom and Bethany talk about setting goals.
Taste bud Tales – December 2015 Focus on Food
Hey hey Sweaters! I LOVE this topic on taste buds. I like to get to know my body more, how bout you? Today I’m going to discuss: Anatomy of taste buds 2. Differences between men and women regarding taste

How do the Studio SWEAT Trainers prepare a class for their onDemand SWEATers? Find out here!
Cat Kom, Bethany, and Brian talk about preparing classes for Studio SWEAT onDemand.

Should I still workout if I’m sore? Ok to take a Fitness class when Sore? How much is too much?
Nice try getting out of your workout, but, your plan just might backfire on you. You dutifully did your squats, push ups and lunges last week, or maybe you ran a ½ Marathon yesterday. While you were doing it, your

How do I talk to my teen about Nutrition & Fitness? Cat & Bethany Talk to teens. WORTH WATCHING!
Cat Kom and Super Sidekick Bethany were asked to come speak to a very special group of teen girls about Nutrition & Fitness. This is a VERY tough topic to tackle with teen girls so we encourage you to take
Chips CAN be a part of a balanced diet! – November 2015 Focus on Food
Hey all! MJ here. This month’s topic: Chips CAN be a part of a balanced diet: That’s right kids! I’m a huge proponent of non-deprivation with food (as you probably know by now). No food is off limits and

How can I get over a fitness plateau? Ways to change your body fast!
Cat Kom and Bethany talk about ways to switch up your workout routine to keep it interesting.

90 sec. Tip on Having Enough Energy for Your Workout. How to Not Hit a Wall During Your Workout.
The key is simple for me… pre-hydrating before you workout. Just try it and see the difference. No miracle “supplements” needed. Just H2O friends. No Joke. Don’t get me wrong you need to eat, but I can eat exactly the

How many calories should I eat? Is eating before bed bad for you?
Cat Kom and R.D. Miriam talk about calories. Calories simplified!
Message from Cat Kom Founder & Head Trainer at Studio SWEAT onDemand Hey Hey Beautiful People. Look around you and look inside you. How many people do you think are settling? I think it’s a heck of a lot of
How To Improve Your Self-Talk About Food – October 2015 Focus on Food
Hey all! MJ here to save you from yourself. Sometimes we’re our own worst enemy when it comes to food. Those little, yet monstrous things that we say to ourselves before or after we eat may be doing more harm

Ab SPLIT from Pregnancy | Learn what DRAM is & how to naturally correct abdominal recti separation.
Cat Kom & Bethany discuss what DRAM is, how to test for ab recti split, how to naturally correct it and more!

What is Foam Rolling? Best Foam Rolling exercises for Spin. How to foam roll properly.
Cat Kom and Luana talk about foam rolling and demonstrate how to use a foam roller.
Digestive Health – September 2015 Focus on Food
Hey hey guys, this month we are focusing on digestive health. So you need to be a mature adult and talk about bowel movements with me, or BM’s if you want to get clinical. Ok, so we are going to cover