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workout class for older adults Endurance Bootcamp for Active Older Adults

Endurance Bootcamp for Active Older Adults

Equipment: Dumbbells

No matter your age or fitness level, we want to keep you moving. This strength & endurance-focused workout class for older adults (or anyone in the mood for a lower to moderate intensity fitness class) is a great way to do that. The class can be as tough or as easy as you want to make it. For the workout, grab a chair for balance and dumbbells if you have them, but Jess will also give you bodyweight-only options. Try this one to prove age is just a number.

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User Photo 31054

Phenominal class! Learned a new exercise, really worked my biceps, hit all my muscle groups, feel AMAZING! Thank you Jess for your professional guidance and expertly designed class!

This is one of my favorite classes because it’s challenging in a great way. It’s got enough balance work to be engaging but not intimidating, and I feel like I’ve accomplished something when it’s done. Thank you, Jess N., from the bottom of my more than middle-aged heart!

User Photo 112545

Thanks for a great class Jess. I don’t usually take classes that last one hour but easily made it through this one. Great explanations and modifications if necessary. Please do more at this level.

Excellent class. Thank you for an hour long level 3 sweat drop class. Loved the strength and balance segments. Hoping you’ll add more hour long level 3 strength classes. Jess did an outstanding job explaining each movement and body position.

THIS is why I am so thankful for SSoD. I’ve been recovering from a knee injury and wanted to ease into strength training. This was so incredibly perfect. I was able to do all of the moves and felt like I got a great workout. Thank you for having something for everyone so there’s no excuse to not move! Love this. 💘

User Photo 136746

Jess is great! Not only are her instructions on point, but also she models all alternative exercises to overcome any challenge we might be experiencing in our bodies. I used the same weights she did, and I was dripping in sweat at the end. Thanks, Jess!

I enjoyed the pace of this class. Felt great. Achieved a good calorie burn. Jess N is one of my favourite trainers. So down to earth. Loved it. Amanda. Oz.

Great class
You get the burn of the sculpt without having to rush to get the move done or to have to transition fast
This is definitely a “you do you “
You work to what you are capable of
Thanks Jess for a great workout

Don’t let the title of this class put you off! It’s a full body workout that can be adapted to your ability, be it easier or harder. I added weights to some of the body-weight moves and really felt like I’d had a full body workout. The focus on form and Jess’s clear instruction are a great reminder that everything doesn’t have to be fast-paced! An excellent class, thanks Jess!

User Photo 23476

This came up on my weekly workout list and I was hesitant to do it because I don’t consider myself “older,” but this was a really great workout!! Loved the format and I enjoyed focusing on my form, slowing down, and engaging everything that it takes to balance. Definitely will do this one again!

Great workout Jess. The slower pace really let you concentrate on each move. Was good to have a class without jumping or complex combo moves.

Jess N you never disappoint! I loved this session…. Endurance is important and I did get dewy!
You are so fun and inspiring! Here’s to you from one of SSODs wisdom gals!

I just loved this workout! I burned a lot more calories than I thought I would. I think we worked every part of our body! Sometimes used heavier weights. Thanks so much for this class Jess! And as usually you were awesome!!!!

Can’t get enough of Jess N!! Love this workout. Been struggling with recovering from an ankle injury so don’t want to do a lot of jumping . This workout is perfect for that. It’s easy to adapt the moves for a little more by adding weights. Love it!

Thanks Jess! It’s such a rainy day that I couldn’t get outside for my walk. Needed to get in a workout and this was perfect. I especially liked the slower transitions so I didn’t feel like I needed to rush and potentially injure myself changing weights.

  • Class Type:
  • Trainer:
  • Date: March 31, 2022
  • Length: 1:04:57
  • SWEAT Scale:
  • 1-3 Sweat Drops:

    Low to Moderate Intensity
  • 4-5 Sweat Drops:

    Moderate to High Intensity

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