30 Min Yoga Sculpt Circuits
Equipment: Dumbbells
This is an amazing 30-min online Yoga Sculpt circuit workout, where you’ll tone, burn, and flex. The simple circuit format has 3 blocks, each with 5 of the best lengthening, strengthening, and circulating yoga sculpt exercises. You’ll complete this amazing practice with a 5-min static stretching sequence that’ll relax your muscles and nervous system, so you can finish feeling revitalized! Be good to you, click play.
- Class Type: Body Sculpt / Yoga
- Trainer: Miriam
- Date: September 24, 2020
- Length: 33:31
- SWEAT Scale:
1-3 Sweat Drops:
Low to Moderate Intensity
4-5 Sweat Drops:
Moderate to High Intensity
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