Cycle Fusion: A Better 2020… 20
Equipment: Dumbbells / Indoor Cycling Bike # of Dismounts: 1 Dismount Spots: Middle Only
Although 2020 is not known for being the most “awesome” year, this 2020… 20 workout sure is! It’s an awesome Cycle Sculpt Fusion class that’s broken into three 20-minute segments. You’re gonna work hard, lift hard, and burn a whole lot of kCals rotating between 20 minutes on the bike, 20 minutes of Floor Work, and then another 20 more on the bike. Did we crack the “awesome-code” for 2020? Hop on and find out!
- Class Type: Spin and Sculpt
- Trainer: Bethany
- Date: September 6, 2020
- Length: 1:05:36
- SWEAT Scale:
1-3 Sweat Drops:
Low to Moderate Intensity
4-5 Sweat Drops:
Moderate to High Intensity
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