The challenge is yours in this cardio-crazed 20 minute erg workout. With the use of several different strokes where you’ll change your hand positions, stroke volume, and tempo, it’s designed to build muscle and improve technique. Hop on, it’s row time!!
This workout does not include a warm-up or cool-down, but we have some great options here!
Take your second ride on the Love Train to experience 3 amazing cycling dudes, positive vibes, fun banter, songs about the joys and trials of relationships, and killer cycling drills! In this Valentine’s Love Themed Spin class, Mike acts as the conductor, kicking things off with vintage Mike warmup drills and wisdom. Brian motors through the middle of the journey with sprints and steady endurance. Then the end of the ride is led by Fred, with his welcoming smile, motivational cueing, and, of course, his mad sing-along skills. All aboard!
This workout does not include a stretch, but we have some great options here!
This 40 minute treadmill run called “The 9er” is exactly what the name says! Four 9-minute rounds of running, with 1 minute recovery periods between each. Each round is broken into three progressive 3-minute blocks, all of each 9er ending with a faster pace. Fred also gives some valuable running tips & techniques along the way. So, press play and enjoy “The 9er”!
This workout does not include a warm-up or cool-down, but we have some great options here!
Get ready for some up & down fun with our fave drill sergeant, Coach Fred, as he motivates you through this Strength Bootcamp sequel. The format is easy to follow, but the work is no joke with a mix of heart-pumping cardio, muscle burning strength, and core-carving ab exercises, giving you a true full-body workout in just 30 minutes. Hit the deck and let’s build & burn!
Coach Fred is here with a sequel to one of his very first Spin classes at SSoD! This fat burning ride combines power intervals and strong hill climbs into an express workout that gives you all the kCal crushing benefits of a full-length class. Get on your bike and get the job done!
This workout does not include a warm-up or cool-down, but we have some great options here!
Coach Fred’s got a simple challenge for you: go heavy THEN go home…but not til you tackle this lifting class stacked with 6 big compound moves. With 4 sets of these functional exercises, you’ll push, pull, and lift til you’re dripping, burning, and pumped! Accept the challenge. Go big!
Hop on your bike and get ready to sweat HARD in one of the best Spin workouts for fat burning EVER! Trainer Fred is awesome in this 45-minute sweat sesh full of Thrills & Hills, where the cycling drills are synced to each track’s tempo, driving your legs to march strongly to the beat! Let’s crush it.
BONUS: Want flat abs? Cool, finish the workout with the Fred Special, a solid ab flattening circuit!
Push right past your comfort zone with this interval style red-zone HIIT treadmill workout with popular SSoD Trainer Fred. You’ll push pace and condition your heart & lungs while running at top speeds. For an extra challenge, increase the incline for a little hill run to burn maximum calories and increase your VO2 max. Press play to tread with Fred!
This workout does not include a full stretch, but we have some great options here!
In this Zone 3 Fat-Frying Cardio Spin Class, your challenge is to maintain a heart rate of about 70-80% of your max rate, while working at a tension and tempo that keeps you at 4-6 on the RPE (rate of perceived exertion) scale. The benefits to this ride are huge: increase your strength and power, develop a greater VO2 max, and increase your endurance for longer rides. Press play and zone in!
Before starting this workout, make sure to warm-up on your own, and if this is your last workout of the day, cool-down and stretch on your own. We have some great warm-up and cool-down options here!
If you’re looking for a killer upper body toner, you’re gonna want to join Trainer Fred for this heavy weights workout that isolates your Shoulders, Chest, Abs & Triceps (S.C.A.T. Attack!). Alternating between strength exercises and core moves, you’ll get mini recoveries so you can really push hard and maximize the muscle burn. Press play before you SCATter off to your day!
Hey guys, this one’s for you. With a focus on the muscle groups like chest, hamstrings, and hip flexors, which tend to be tighter on the male body, this Short Stretch Session for Men (that women can benefit from too) should go straight to your favorites. Get your muscles warm, or try this after your cardio session to get some great results. Press play to stretch out!
To get your muscles warm, we have some great warm-up options here!
If you’re ready for a 90-min sweat-soaking spin & strength workout, it’s right here. After a dynamic warm-up, get ready for a loaded strength-gaining, muscle-building, body toner! It starts with larger muscle combo moves, transitions to single leg and bicep sets, and wraps up with some booty-burning glute isolations. Then comes the ride, where you’ll only tackle each calorie-crushing cycling drill once, and only once. Eat your wheaties, then click play!
But, don't worry, this Sunday this class will be available for all members to stream.
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