Relationships, like a Spin class, have moments of intensity, conflict, struggle, triumph, and peace. So, we decided to combine all those stages for an hour of Couple’s Therapy, Studio SWEAT style!!!!
Stage 1 = Fitness Zones 4 & 5 bursting into passion, conflict, nerves, and many other breathless moments.
Stage 2 = Fitness Zones 3 & 4 bringing waves of intensity, strategy, calculation, endurance, and compromise.
Stage 3 = Fitness Zones 2 & 3 ushering in comfort, fierce loyalty, playfulness, and commitment.
Of course, we wrapped it up in laughter, stories, and teamwork, because, while admittedly cheesy, this class mirrors real life. The soundtrack to our therapy session is one click away. Let’s begin!
Because of the typically heavy framework of an indoor cycling bike, riders seldom need to focus on balance. This ride is about stability and balance. Designed, in part, for our SSoD members who use Stationary Trainers, we are riding with the intention of maintaining steady, consistent power as we alternate foot speeds. Whether we are doing 4-count pulses, 20 second breakaways, or one minute presses, staying centered and concentrating on symmetrical push/pull foot strokes will allow you to ride harder and more efficiently. 95% of this ride is in the saddle, so get comfortable and let’s crush this route.
Feel the need for Speed? Yes? Awesome, because in this killer StraightUpSPIN® the focus is less on climbs and more on cadence, and it’s quick! Time to build your endurance and strength for those fast flat roads. An occasional hill might pop up, but you’ll be equipped to own it. Hurry up and push play!
Hills. We love to hate them. But, this is the ride that might just change your mindset, shifting it to a hill total lovefest! So, open the best Indoor Cycling app and click play on this Spin class with Steady Successions. What’s that mean, right? Well it means that with each gear you add, or each RPM you increase, you’ll feel it go from being hard, to harder, to the hardest. With the rest of the SSoD team, you’ll power your way to the top, moving in and out of the saddle and encountering rollers, steep switchbacks, steady climbs, and even the occasional fast “flat”. The result… you’ll produce some killer wattage (which equates to kCals crushed) with this one! Now get after it.