20 Minute Mat Pilates
Equipment: No Special Equipment Needed!
This immersive 20 Minute Mat Pilates video with Coach Mere is a sweet, but short, Pilates session to do on those days where you want get in just a little strengthening and lengthening, or as an addition to another workout! You’ll see by the sweat that Mere led this one right after finishing a killer Spin Sculpt class.
Get ready to really hit those deep core muscles, focusing on control and deliberate movements. It’s a full body workout that won’t disappoint. Grab your mat!
*Don’t forget to warm up! See below for warm-up options*
Warm-Up Option #1
Cat’s 12 Minute Warm Up Spin: https://www.studiosweatondemand.com/classes/30-minute-spin-classes/12-minute-warm-spin-best-online-spin-classes/
Warm-Up Option #2
20 Jumping jacks
20 Bodyweight Squats
20 Alternating forward lunges
20 arm circles- 10 large / 10 small
Repeat 2-4 times
Warm-Up Option #3
Set a timer for 30 seconds for 10 rounds
1. Jog in Place
2. Butt kickers
3. Squats
4. Mountain climbers
5. Push ups
Repeat twice for a total of 5 mins
- Class Type: Ab & Core / Mat Pilates
- Trainer: Meredith
- Date: September 9, 2018
- Length: 21:20
- SWEAT Scale:
1-3 Sweat Drops:
Low to Moderate Intensity
4-5 Sweat Drops:
Moderate to High Intensity
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