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    Magical Myofascial Yoga

    Did you know that even a few minutes of fascial-release work can have a profound effect on your practice and well-being? It’s true! Your fascial network is like scaffolding throughout your entire body. This myofascial release (think of this like loosening the lining around the muscles and organs) improves the slide and glide of your tissues, and also hydrates them through the act of compressing and releasing, like a sponge!

    This streaming myofascial release yoga session is a beautiful yin style class, focusing on the lateral fascia line, and specifically targeting the hips, shoulders, neck, and even the feet. So, grab your mat and let’s give your body this magical gift.

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    Classic Yoga Flow

    Stretch, Strengthen, and Flow in this 30 Minute Classical Vinyasa Flow Yoga Session with Zen Master Zac. It includes Sun Salutations, Warrior Poses, Core Strengthening, and classical cool down.

    You’ll also learn a few Sanskrit words in this yoga class. If you don’t know what those are, don’t worry, I didn’t either, but I do now! Open your mind and enjoy the flow.

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    Yoga – Meditation & Flow

    A perfect post-workout Yoga session, focused on opening the hip flexors, quads, and shoulders, along with some standing balancing poses & cross body connections aimed to improve your flexibility, strength, and balance. Finish with a short seated meditation to touch on the importance of settling your mind.

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    Spin Yoga: Fat Frying & Flow

    A Spin Yoga class! Is that the best of both world’s or what?!?

    Elli begins the workout with a waist trimming Spin, where it’s all about quick feet, tempo riding, and high gears. Love how you’re motivated to get out of your comfort zone as you Stream, Spin & SWEAT. And then… heaven – a post cycle yoga cool down, focused on opening the hip flexors, quads, and shoulders, as well as some standing balancing poses & cross body connections. Finish with a short seated meditation to bring it all together. SpiNamaste.

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    Total Body Mat Pilates

    Grab a mat and get ready for the best Pilates class ever with Zen Master Zac. It begins with pre-mat drills such as a spine warm up, bridge hip openers, and glute activators to warm up and tone up that butt!

    Next, Zac guides you into a beautiful series of 5; bird dogs, candle sticks, and a few countering yoga poses, before moving into some of the best ab exercises out there – a plank series and some toning sideline work. The finisher is a killer booty-building exercise bundle, coupled with core carving 100’s. Think tone tummy and beautiful buns!

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    15 Minute Yoga Stretch

    This short flow Yoga Stretch with emphasis on the IT bands, hamstrings, and hip flexors is perfect for those days where you just need to loosen up and lengthen out.

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    45 Minute Power Yoga

    Get ready to get leaner, stronger, and longer, in this amazing Power Yoga session that is packed perfectly with twists, balance poses, and core toners. Think strong!

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    Yoga ~ Vinyasa Flow

    You’ve probably heard of Vinyasa, but maybe you’ve been scared to try it. No worries though, because this one is amazing for all levels.

    You’ll be introduced to Sun Salutations A and B, and spend a good amount of time on three main focal points: the lateral body, the hamstrings, and oh those hips! Then get down with some slow and steady strengthening poses, offering deep stretching as the perfect ending to this empowering practice.

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    Classic Yoga with Zac

    Time to treat your busy mind and body to a classic yoga class, with an emphasis on hamstring and hip openers. Enjoy the feeling and benefits of progressive Vinyasa transitions with awakening sun salutations, along with a rigorous standing series, before winding down with a relaxing, feel-good cool-down. Namaste.

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    Vinyasa Flow Yoga

    In this Vinyasa class, you will awaken your strength, energy, and flexibility. Just what you need, right!

    So get ready to slow down, but continue to move as you synchronize breath with movement, guided to focus on linking conscious breath with a mindful flow. Off you go.